Healthy cooking lesson with an instructor from Bon Secours

Knitting Fun!

Community Based PRoGram

Our community based program for girls ages 9-14 meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 6pm-8pm starting in October and ending in June. A typical session starts with snack time and team-building, followed by the lesson or activity for the night, ending with reflection and sharing. Girls are also given take home assignments for them to complete with the support of their families. Registration for the program closes in October for the current year, but girls are welcome to register all year long for the upcoming year.

Painting after school.

Team-building through STEAM

School Based ProGram

The school based program meets once a week after school at the participating elementary site and runs from October to May. The program is open to 4th and 5th grade girls. A typical session starts with snack time and team-building, followed by the lesson or activity for the night, ending with reflection and sharing. Girls are also given take home assignments for them to complete with the support of their families.